2019 Entry List

Please find below the entry list for the 2019 race, this is listed by team name and the charity each team is raising money for (please note this list is subject to change if cancellations are made)



Team name Charity Class
Nana Nana Nana Nana Ashgate Hospice Junior
TBC Ashgate Hospice Junior
Mad Hatters Ashgate Hospice Junior
The Pink Ladies CLIC Sargent Junior
MAD MAC CLIC Sargent Junior
The Record Power Tools CLIC Sargent Senior
THAT'LL DO Ashgate Hospice Senior
Stagecoach CLIC Sargent Senior
Village Idiots Take Two Ashgate Hospice Senior
Dub & Dubba CLIC Sargent  Senior
Team Rapid CLIC Sargent Senior
Kudos Alloys Ashgate Hospice Senior
M and j team Ashgate Hospice Senior
Bluebird 2 Ashgate Hospice Senior
Splinter's Barmy Army Ashgate Hospice Senior
TBC CLIC Sargent Senior
Thumbs up Soapbox Ashgate Hospice Senior
THE BROTHERS & CO Ashgate Hospice Senior
Xenium Studios Ashgate Hospice Senior
HFE1 Ashgate Hospice Senior
Farmy Army CLIC Sargent Senior
Recycled Racers Ashgate Hospice Senior
Jammy dodger Ashgate Hospice Senior
Team Cucumber Ashgate Hospice Senior
Goodbye porkpie Ashgate Hospice Senior
IDC SoapBox Team Ashgate Hospice Senior
TBC CLIC Sargent Senior
The Shark Cave Divers Ashgate Hospice Senior
Oh Deere!! Ashgate Hospice Senior
Ranby rebbles Ashgate Hospice Senior
No brakes CLIC Sargent Senior
DIXIES CREW Ashgate Hospice Senior
Full Steam Ahead CLIC Sargent Senior
The Van Yard Ashgate Hospice Senior
Mario massive CLIC Sargent Senior
Keith Ashgate Hospice Senior
Barnie CLIC Sargent Senior
Redders and Son Ashgate Hospice Senior
TBC TBC Senior
TBC TBC Senior
TBC Ashgate Hospice Senior
Two Puffs in a Pram Ashgate Hospice Senior
Quantum Network Ashgate Hospice Senior
Pole Athletes Ashgate Hospice Senior


Trophies and medals will be given out at the podium at the end of the race for the following categories:


  • Fastest Seniors (Including 2nd & 3rd Place)
  • Fastest Junior (Including 2nd & 3rd Place)
  • Best Dressed Team
  • Best Dressed Soapbox

Competitor Sponsorship

For this year's event, we are using the Virgin Money Giving website for charity fundraising.  This is a simple and effective way of collecting sponsorship on-line and sending it directly to the charities we are supporting. The signup process is very straightforward, simply follow the links below for either Ashgate Hospice or CLIC Sargent, register your details and create your own fundraising page to start collecting money today! 


Fund Raising Process
SSBD Fundraising Process.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [434.3 KB]

For any competitors who also wish to raise money by hand, please find below a manual sponsorship form. This tyoe of collection can be handed to the organisers on the day of the race, where you will recieve a reciept.

Offline Sponsorship Form
Offline Sponsorship Form.docx
Microsoft Word document [42.0 KB]

Rules and Regulations

To view the complete Rules and Regulations please download the above Registration Form and Race Rules PDF document, the below are rules to adhere to when building your Soap Box:


Technical, Design and Structural Regulations

  1. Maximum length 2300mm measured from front to rear of soapbox.
  2. Maximum width 1200mm measured from outside to outside.
  3. No protuberances outside these dimensions will be allowed.
  4. There must be four wheels, fitted with tyres, (more than two “in line” wheels will not be allowed) and all wheels should be in road contact during normal running. Ground clearance should be sufficient to clear the ramps/obstacles – 50mm minimum is recommended.
  5. Good brakes are essential and will be checked. Braking must operate on at least two wheels and be effective to hold to cart stationary on the starting ramp.
  6. Seats must be securely bolted to the soap box.
  7. Soap boxes must be designed to carry one or two people only, feet first is recommended.
  8. Any steering column, brake lever or other protrusion must be designed and fitted such that the risk of puncture injuries is minimised. A padded steering wheel is recommended.
  9. Bodywork and controls must not impede the driver in exiting the vehicle unaided.
  10. Any doors or hatches required for driver access must be readily operated from both inside and outside the vehicle without the use of tools.
  11. Gravity propulsion only – i.e. no motors, no pedals & no stored potential energy.
  12. No loose weights will be allowed inside or outside the soap box.
  13. Seatbelts are not mandatory, but are recommended.
  14. Steering must not have excessive free play or any characteristic tending to promote instability.



2019 Results

Please see below the complete finishing times for every team entered during the 2019 race

2017 Results

Please see below the complete finishing times for every team entered during the 2017 race

2016 Results

Please see below the complete finishing times for every team entered during the 2016 race

2015 Results

Please see below the complete finishing times for every team entered during the 2015 race

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© Scarcliffe Soapbox Derby